About BAMA: British Aerosol Manufacturers' Association

Established in 1961, the British Aerosol Manufacturers’ Association (BAMA), represents the aerosol industry, from suppliers of components, ingredients and machinery manufactures, to fillers and marketers of aerosol products. BAMA membership counts about 90 businesses ranging from individual consultancies through to multinational corporations. The BAMA Board set out a strategy for the Association through to 2025.



Delivering a sustainable industry with our members.

The BAMA 2025 Strategy sets out the Association’s ambitions for the next five years.
Our five year strategy is to work with members to identify solutions that overcome medium terms issues 
e.g. Brexit and Covid-19 recovery and lay foundations for long term sustainability


Advocacy and lobbying

PR and crisis management

Governance and finance

Improved online services in order to share its knowledge and experience more effectively


Training offering is set to be reviewed and improved


Training seminars will continue to be available at preferential rates

BAMA will represent the best interests of the UK industry across all areas


A clear focus on specific regulations for:

  • Environment
  • Waste management
  • Labelling
  • Transport
  • Chemicals


BAMA will continue to represent the industry at National, EU, UN and other international meetings

Continue to focus on B2B communication


Illustrating the positive impact aerosols have on health and wellbeing


Highlight the industry’s conintued significance in UK manufacturing and to the wider economy


Comment  will be provided to leading industry publications, offering insight and opinion

An increasingly challenging time for all in industry


Significant emphasis on transparency and accountability


Keeping members informed


Offer members the best possible value for money

Going Forward
Communication | The BAMA Standard | Sustainability | Industry guides, test methods and standards
BAMA is renowned globally for setting the highest standards and offering a wide array of support services to help members throughout the industry. We will expand its membership throughout the supply chain to include marketers, machinery and component manufacturers, chemical producers, hauliers and distributors. The new Associate Membership category will expand the knowledge base to in clued other associations, educational institutions and service providers to inform discussions within its committees and working groups.


All of the work BAMA does on behalf of, and supported, by its members.

What does BAMA do?

  • Promote the aerosol format across multiple sectors

  • Encourage Innovation

  • Set high standards for:

    Environmental matters
  • Present the industry’s view to:

    Key opinion formers.

Our main areas of activity are:

  • Information: Providing information on all matters that affect the UK aerosol industry.
  • Industry Voice: Co-ordinating and conveying the requirements and views of our industry to the UK Government and international regulators, such as the European Union
  • Industry Policy: Concentrating resources through industry meetings and events to formulate industry policy.
  • Industry Forum: Running regular seminars for members on topics of relevance to the industry.
  • Industry Promotion: Dealing with public affairs, media relations and education to help promote the use and understanding of aerosols.
  • Legislation: Informing members of legislative developments and providing detailed explanations on how these will affect the industry.
  • Standards: Contributing to the development of standards publishing industry guides.
  • Worldwide: Linking with other aerosol associations around the world
  • Other Industries: Liaising closely with other trade bodies on areas of common interest.

Annual Report

BAMA Annual Report and Accounts

Including a report from:

  • Chair of the Board of Directors
  • Chief Executive
  • Chair of each Technical Panel, Working Group and Committee
  • Details of BAMA Member Companies
  • Winners of the Annual BAMA Awards
  • Full Annual Accounts as filed with Companies House
Click here to view our recent Annual Reports

Last 10 years

  • Growth over the last 10 years

    The UK is the largest manufacturer of aerosols in Europe, and the third largest in the World. Over the last 10 years, despite significant social and financial changes, the aerosol industry has been extremely resilient and filling volumes continue to grow.
  • UK filling figures

    In 2020 the UK aerosol industry filled 1.5 billion cans. Product sectors included personal care, household, paints and medical devices, amongst many others.
    More details of the aerosols filled in the UK can be found in our Library area.
  • European filling figures

    Across Europe more than 5 billion aerosol cans are filled every year. This is more than one third of all the aerosols filled annually.

    More details of the aerosols filled in the Europe can be found in our Library area.
  • Global filling figures

    Manufacturers produce, and consumers use, over 12 billion aerosol cans every year. The main centres for production are Europe, the United States and China, with growing numbers being filled in Asia and South America.


Governance and oversight is carried out by the Board of Directors, who are elected by and from the Member Companies at the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors will elect the Officers of the Association, who are the Chair, Vice-Chair and Honorary Treasurer. 

Day to day running of the Association is by the Secretariat, who are recruited and appointed by the Board of Directors. 

You can find details of the Secretariat by clicking here.

The Board of Directors delegates responsibility for technical issue to a number of Panels, Working Groups and Task Forces. You can find out more on roles and responsbilities for each Technical Panel or Working Group, by clicking here.

Board of Directors Articles of Association BAMA Structure

Meet the BAMA team

  • Patrick Heskins

    Chief Executive
  • Paul Jackson

    Regulatory Affairs Director
  • Peter Watmough

    Technical Manager
  • Sally Tilbury

    Office and Events Manager

Contact us

British Aerosol Manufacturers' Association:

1 Viewpoint, Office Village,
Babbage Road,
Stevenage, Herts SG1 2EQ

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