Damsluisweg 12
1332 EC Almere
The Netherlands
00 31 36 549 1200
In January of 1976, Scovill Manufacturing’s aerosol valve group became Summit Packaging Systems Inc. Established by the Gilroy Family; Summit quickly became a leader in the manufacturing of aerosol valves and actuators. We currently operate from five manufacturing sites: Manchester, NH USA, Racine, WI USA, Buenos Aires in Argentina, Almere in The Netherlands, and Tarnow in Poland. Steady growth, experience, and renowned quality are the components bringing Summit to the forefront of the aerosol valve industry. Our future continues to look even brighter: new valve technology, new machine technology, new actuator/spray cap solutions, expanded manufacturing plants, and innovative cost saving initiatives. Summit is a company on the move.
Plastic Component Manufacturer
Valve Manufacturer
Valve Manufacturer