

Future of Aerosols I

"The Future of Aerosols" study was commissioned by BAMA in February 2001. The ambition of the study was to identify possible long term technology routes for the industry, should the use of VOCs be limited. The study explored six, broad, potential research areas for consideration by BAMA members: Improved nozzles/actuators for "flashing" gas based aerosols, Improved compressed gas aerosol systems, New generation of compressed gas aerosols using two fluid atomisation, New spray devices incorporating ultrasonic atomisation, New spray devices incorporating rotary turbine atomisation, New generation finger pump devices
Future of Aerosols I

Future of Aerosols II

In 2015 BAMA undertook a follow-up project to "The Future of Aerosols" to explore the different factors which might impact on the aerosol industry in short, medium, and long term. It's aim was to develop strategic responses to make the industry more resilient. The factors identified in the final report ranged from: The Circular Economy, Addressing chemicals of concern, Developing new aerosols to meet health needs, and The opportunities presented by social media. The report makes recommendations on how to explore these factors at both an industry and company level.
Future of Aerosols II

Future of Aerosols II Toolkit

Using the processes and factors used in the Future of Aerosols II project, companies can run their own workshops to help identify areas which will impact their products and business in the short, medium, and long term. This document contains all the information you are likely need to run the workshop. If preferred, a PowerPoint version is available from the BAMA office, and the BAMA staff are available to help facilitate the workshop for you.
Future of Aerosols II Toolkit

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